Wednesday 8 June 2011


First week in June spent in Padstow, Cornwall.

Number of :
1. Pasties : one each
2. Cream Teas : one each
3. Rick Stein establishments eaten in : 3. The Seafood Restaurant, Fish & Chip, The Cafe
4. Ice creams : one a day for Sarah? That's what I'm admitting to. Wilson as you know is "not a sweet hand". However, his consumption of hand cooked crisps is classified.
5. Bodmin Beast sightings : nil

Hours spent foot dangling at the harbour: at least four a day....

Grandpa is still hearing echoes of the noise one excited granddaughter can make in their house, and Nana has remembered that sometimes work is a relaxing alternative to playtime at the zoo when all three grandchildren are excited.

As to the rest of June, I am getting match fit for the big dose of chemo. I've dropped the steroid dose and as a result feel much better in myself, particularly losing a lot of the fluid I've been retaining that feels like is strangling me. My speech and fine motor functions are not perfect, but I'll take that balance for now. You may need to bear with me as I speak more slowly, and you may need to read between the lines if it sounds like I missed a word.

January 18th 2011 - 6 months ago. The Multi-Disciplinary Team that make up Neurosurgery, Neuroscience and Oncology between the John Radcliffe and Royal Berkshire Hospitals gave me a little A4 photocopied sheet that confirmed I had been diagnosed with a Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme. Having removed as much of the tumour as they could without me actually losing brain function, I was discharged from hospital and embarked on this journey.

What the heck happened to those 6 months then??!!
This is no laughing matter, people! I've done so much and yet so little.
We got married for heavens sake!
Supernanny is leaving in the summer to embark on her new life.
Darcey is off to full time school in September and Katy Perry is her favourite singer (today).
Good friends have got good new jobs.
Old family have reconnected for me in a way I would never have imagined.
Elaine, one of my best and clearly talented friends wrote, composed and recorded my own song - it's called Tarnished Angel.

As I write these words and more come to mind, I am reminded that life just continues and that death and taxes are just a part of that. My family lost a matriarch, and another much loved matriarch I know suffered a terrible stroke last month.

That neurosurgeon, and my oncologist both told us the odds were 12-14 months, though both admitted they're stacked in my favour for longer than that. Well move aside tuna, I've got things to do, memories to make, people to see, places to visit. I'm not bloody planning Christmas yet but you can bet your life I'll expect to see one or two of you here.

Now, Phase 2 of Battle Plan

Number of:
1. Pamper sessions booked in June : 4
2. Celebratory Michelin star lunches for new job : 1 (Go get 'em Clodagh)
3. Graduation Ceremonies "You're a Doctor" : 1 (Go get 'em Lauren)
4. First class train travel to Paris : 1
5. 50th birthday BBQ : 1. Best friend's husband...which means he's my friend too
6. Hours spent sleeping during day : as many as I need, I promise.

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